Mothers Unfolding


Mothers Unfolding

~ a loving circle for mothers of newborns to six months ~

Welcome to Postpartum! With the birth of a baby, there is also the  Birth  of  a  Mother.  This informs the fierce tenderness I bring to myself and others who are unfolding into their new role as Mother.  Each five week group explores the heart of what it means to be a mother, sharing wisdom and insight, while acknowledging the unique gifts and challenges of motherhood. Each week we explore a unique topic (very thoughtfully curated over the 10 years I’ve been facilitating this group) and plenty of time to get answers to your burning questions like…

“My baby cries all the time, what can I do?”

“I leak milk all the time, help!

 “Why does my baby cry when I try to put him in the sling?”

I feel so overwhelmed and bored at the same time, is that normal?”

“How do I boost my milk supply?”

“How do I know if my baby might be teething?”

 “My baby is only happy in my arms and I love holding him but I’m going crazy!”

“Why does my baby sleep so fitfully at night and so soundly during the day!”

“Why is tummy time important?”


For the past 15 years, I have thoughtfully curated topics we explore together as a group. Mothers tell me how much they have loved each and every one, giving structure and meaning to the day in and day out unfolding in newborn land.

  New Truths – Now that the baby is in your lap, you KNOW something that you couldn’t have known before. Before the baby came, you had fantasies about what this would be like. What YOU would be like. I have loved hearing new mothers’ new truths! One participant recently shared: “I’ve been a nanny for years so I thought I knew what babies were like. I could never have known the reality of being indispensable to a new human, 24/7. When I was a nanny, I always got to go home.”

•  What *IS* Working – Because modern mothers are quite isolated compared to our ancestors, we can so easily assume that we’re failing all the time, everywhere. Being able to instantly compare (or contrast) our situation on socials has made us even more isolated! We can so easily become stuck in a loop of negative thinking or “not enough”. The exhaustion in the early days and weeks leads to increased adrenaline and under the influence of that, we humans assume the worst. It is our task in early mothering to look for and focus on whatever small thing IS working. Learning how and where to focus can alleviate much suffering!

•  Lost and Found – In order to grow into this new identity as a parent, we must be willing to give up something…or for some of us, lots of things. We might have to give up our whole wardrobe or maybe just a pair of beloved jeans. This shedding process allows new ideas to be born. It literally opens up new pathways for being, that never could have existed before! In community, we honor that BOTH are real and true. We grieve together what has been lost and we celebrate what has been found, since becoming a mother. 

• Advice – how to navigate the slue of “helpful advice” in a way that feels good to you. Discover great compassion for that person in your life who is especially passionate about you knowing (and doing) what they think is best.

• The Return – After journeying outward, the warrior must always return home. The return home to oneself has an internal timeline. Each time we choose to love our ownselves, we take a step toward home. In our final gathering together, you’ll identify ways to refuel for the long haul. The truth is that we’re always a mother unfolding. This path of mothering is constantly changing as our kids grow. Taking care of oneself is a critical reflex to develop, in even the smallest increments of time. Newborn mothering is the season of 1 minute fill-ups. If you do enough of these in a day, they add up!



Many mothers who take the same Mothers Unfolding class together continue supporting one another well beyond the 5 week session.  The foundation of mutual trust and respect created in Mothers Unfolding allows for a depth of relationship and support that is invaluable.

Expect to feel invigorated, inspired, relieved, and possibly even over flowing with love for yourself, your baby, and humanity after each session.  Some have said this is powerful medicine – stronger than Prozac! When women gather up, magic happens!

Mothers Unfolding meets from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, for five weeks.

See Schedule


You’ll love mothers unfolding if you have wondered…

“How am I ever gonna figure this out?”

“Am I doing this right?”

“How will I nurse for a year?”

“How will I nurse for a week?”

“Is a baby really this hard? Or is it just my baby?”

“What have I done? This is not what I expected.”

Mothers Unfolding is perfect for you. 



Frequently Asked Questions




Love for Mothers Unfolding …

I wanted to write you to tell you that I deeply appreciated your group! The lessons I learned in your group had a great impact on me. It was wonderful to have a space each week to reflect on this new tender experience of parenting and your gentle wisdom and support of us was so nourishing. Your group allowed me to grip less tightly to “best practice” knowledge, to let go of some of that “I need to figure out the best way so I don’t harm my child” mentality, and to begin easing into a more intuitive way of parenting. A way that has allowed room for mistakes with less guilt and fear and has helped me recognize that I do have what it takes to face new challenges each day and figure it out! I’ve learned so many valuable lessons and you taught them in such a way that allowed us to feel so supported and seen. Thank you!! I have been recommending your group to others since I gained so much!  ~  Julie

“You welcomed Nella, me and a group of other new moms and brave babies into your home. You told us to be easy on ourselves. I held my baby while she cried, and you held my baby while she cried. We bounced on the birthing ball, drank hot tea and shared fears, hopes, sadness and joy. A year later, I still drink tea (hah!) and cry from time to time, but I’m no longer gripped by the anxiety that I felt in those early days. The support I received from a network of strong, inspirational women pulled me from some of the darkest days of my life. And I want to thank you for being part of the foundation of that life-changing network. Your patience and kindness had an immeasurable effect. I don’t know how I can ever adequately thank you.”  ~  Lise

“Thank you for your wisdom, guidance and gentle shepherding through these early days of motherhood. You have built the perfect environment for connection and I’m blessed to have found it.”  ~  Mimi

“I was a part of Lanell’s class last spring. I met the most amazing support network of great mamas. We have laughed, and cried together. We are starting a babysitting co-op, and I don’t even know what I would do without them now!! This class is sooooo worth the money!  Thanks Lanell!”  ~  Heidi

“Lanell is such a wonderful resource for first time moms and an all around neat person to know. Two and a half years after being a part of her Mothers Unfolding group and I am still great friends with other mamas from the group. The support that I got from Lanell and the other women in the group has been invaluable throughout this journey. Not to mention the practical tips like the how to wear a Moby and other slings, that gave me confidence in baby wearing instead of feeling like a bumbling fool! 😉 I truly cannot express how grateful I am to have been a part of her Mothers Unfolding group!”  ~  Melanie

“I really enjoyed our group and truly appreciate you. I find myself repeating things you said often! One big one that gets me through the horrific crying when Ben is really mad – is telling him that I am there with him and it will pass (whatever it is) – I’ve found it calms me – and anyone else within earshot! (except Ben maybe – but its more for me anyway). I am so grateful for your encouraging spirit and calming presence – when I needed to gain/maintain confidence and peace of mind those first weeks.  Thanks again!!” ~  Monica

“I really appreciated being part of the group. It was so wonderful having it to look forward to each week. I find myself saying lots of “I learned in my mother’s group…”. And it was so nice to have a way to get out of the house and be in such a completely supportive, loving space each week. Thanks for everything. I’ll miss it!” ~  Rachel

“Your unfolding group is so perfectly named as I feel that’s just what we all did together in your living room!  Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much you mean to those of us in the Klein household!”  ~  Kimberly

“When I started going, Nora was only about 4 weeks old, so I was really in the thick of it still, and going to Lanell’s class got me through the hardest parts of those early weeks. The days when we had our group were the best days of my week – I don’t know what I would have done without it. It was the only place in those early weeks I felt safe enough to be with my fragile little baby and ill-fitting maternity jeans, and the only place to break out of the isolation of solo, day-long mothering. It was a crucial experience of community, acceptance, and support.”  ~  Heather

“It took everything I had to drag myself out of the house when my son was 5 weeks old to attend the group. Thank God I did, because the support and love felt from the minute I stepped in the door continues to this day. I’ve grown close to the other moms (we see each other once a week!) and Lanell’s wise words are still repeated in our weekly hang outs.  This class was a lifesaver for me.” ~ Aninda

“What a wonderful class where I could go, with my baby, and have all my joys, frustrations, and anxieties addressed and understood in a mama-centered environment.  I left each week feeling like a better mama with so many resources at my fingertips.  No worries about where to nurse, change a diaper, or settle a crying baby…you can do it all in Lanell’s living room!”  ~  Heather

“I was in a state of near crisis regarding my bonding with my daughter (a second child) I took Lanell’s class and it was like she threw me a life preserver.” ~  Carissa

“…one of the most helpful things Lanell has always taught me is not to feel like I am doing it wrong, or doing a bad job. She has a way of letting moms know that whatever they are doing, however they are doing it, is just right.  By encouraging, applauding, and boosting the confidence of mamas, she forces them to give themselves a break!”  ~  Maria

“Becoming a mother is such an incredible, transformative experience, and there is something very special about walking through this time with other women.  Lanell’s wisdom and experience really helped me process my experience, gain confidence as a mother and have a really fun time!  My wish for all new mothers is that they could take part in a group such as this one.”  ~  Eileen

“We talked about the balance between trusting our own mothering instincts and looking to books for knowledge, the dark side of mothering, breastfeeding, etc. We talked about our husbands’ role in the whole process, vented, laughed about our own neuroses, recommended books, toys, websites . . . the information sharing aspect was really invaluable. The conversations would swing back and forth between emotional topics and thoughts on motherhood in general and more practical stuff like: how do I get my baby to sleep for more than 2 seconds at a time?”  ~  Heather

“Your mothers unfolding group gave me confidence, assurance, and companionship I desperately needed as I transitioned into my new life as mother.  Those were precarious days, as I was equally exhausted and elated. It was an extraordinary comfort to have a place to go to share my experiences with women on the same journey. Your readings, knowledge, openness, and warm hospitality were especially welcoming.  Thank you.”  ~  Karen
